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Ovo je originalni FIFA 14 "activation code". Preko zvanicnog EA Sports platforme, Origin, mozete da unesete ovu kodu i tako mozete da skinete originalnu igru. Sa ovom originalnom igrom mozete da igrate onlajn preko zvanicnog EA servera!


Ovde mozete da procitate uputstvo, kako sa ovim kljucem mozete da skinete i instalirate FIFA 14 originalnu verziju preko Origin.

 Product info

This is the original FIFA 14  activation code, scanned from the game`s box. Through Origin you can download the original game by entering this key. This original game allows you to play online on official EA servers.


Here you can read the manual about how to get FIFA 14 with this key through the Origin portal.



Specifikacije igre/ Game specifications  Procedura Pre-order:
  • Availability: pre-order
  • Delivery: e-mail delivery on release day
  • Release date: 27.09.2013
  • Available Language: PL, EN, DE, FR, ES, IT
  • Region: Europe
  • Platform: PC 

1) Narucite igru ovde

2) uplatite novac - (nakon uplate posaljite sliku od uplatnice)

3) Dobicete potvrdu od nas preko e-mail

4) 27-9 dobijate igru/kodu na e-mail 



worldwide-new.png scanned-key-new.png


EU Release:



 Koda vazi za sve kontinente sveta.

 Key works worldwide in all countries.


 Dobijate kodu skeniranu sa kutije igre.

 Activation code is straight from retail box and you are provided the scan of the activation code


 27. Septembra izlazi igra za Evropu - nakon primljene uplate, dobijate key putem vase E-mail adrese na: 27/9/2013.

 On 27th September you will get the key sent to your E-mail.


 Preko Origin trebate da unesete ovaj key i tako mozete da skinute originalnu igru.

 The activation code requires activation in your Origin account.



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